New Here
We invite you to share with us in worship soon. We trust you will find we are an open and welcoming community of Christians from all walks of life, who believe that through us, God’s love can be made known in the world.
Connecting at Wesley means: worshiping in the worship style that you find most meaningful, discovering in the context of community what God intends for us, applying gifts and talents to an enterprise that helps us find hope and share it with others. When planning a visit to Wesley, let us know ahead of time and we will arrange to meet you, answer questions you may have, even attend worship with you if you like. This "first friend" will meet you at the Welcome Center in the gathering area just before entering the sanctuary. |
Next StepsGrowing in and sharing our faith is a life-long commitment. Like any journey, it starts with that first step. And like any journey, that first step is followed by the next step. We want to help you identify the steps that propel your faith journey forward.
Welcome OthersYou might feel ready to be part of the Hospitality Team that welcomes other newcomers even as you were welcomed.
Small GroupsAt Wesley, we want to help you connect with a group that studies, serves with and cares for each other. Watch for opportunities during Lent and Advent, especially, for groups that form to dive a little deeper in these seasons of great importance to Christians.
Serve OthersSERVE with others by joining a volunteer team in a short- or longer-term Outreach and Missions project that interests you.
Contact Carol Moon, Chair of New Here & Hospitality Team ([email protected]) or (812) 697-9608 to learn more.
Wesley United Methodist Church @ The Bridge
1201 Thomas V. Bryant Drive Jeffersonville, IN 47130 812-283-3727 [email protected] Schedule Sunday School: 9:30AM Sunday Worship: 10:45AM Mid-Day Bible Study: Wednesdays - 11:30AM Evening Bible Study: Wednesday - 6:00PM |